Varistem® Stemming Plug  Pilot Project at a South African Underground Platinum Mine


Introduction and Project Background ERG Industrial conducted a Varistem® stemming plug pilot project at a South African underground platinum mine between May 2024 and June 2024. This pilot project aimed to demonstrate the energy retention capabilities of the Varistem® stemming plugs towards the primary goal of improving advance per blast. The advance per blast refers […]

Varistem® Blast Design Adds $10 Million Annually

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Introduction Blasting is the first step in the mining value chain, and any positive impacts made during blasting result in exponential downstream gains. In the case of manganese mining, reducing the amount of fines produced during blasting can lead to astronomical financial gains. This case study from a South African manganese mine demonstrates how a […]

Improving Crusher Throughput With Varistem®

Main 1

Varistem® is a patented blast-stemming plug for mining, quarrying and civil blastingapplications. The plugs contain blast energy for longer, resulting in a range of benefitsdepending on how it is incorporated into your blast design. The Varistem® blast stemmingplugs are manufactured in a range of different sizes, catering for blasthole diameters from51mm to 203mm. Improvement In […]

Varistem® Stemming Plugs Trial – Cast Improvement Coal Overburden


Executive summary Trial setup Information and scaled depth Results – block movement & stemming activity Results – muckpile comparison Results – cast analysis The main focus of the trial was to establish the improvement of the cast by utilizing Varistem® Plugs. The analysis is achieved through the use of drones equipped with survey sensors: Cast […]

Flyrock Reduction at Coal Mine Using Varistem® Stemming Plugs

Flyrock Case Study controlled blasting for excavation and mining operation.

Varistem® Stemming Plugs Trial Summary Introduction Flyrock is a significant safety and environmental concern in coal mining, particularly when blasting occurs near inhabited areas. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Varistem® stemming plugs in reducing flyrock at Coal Mine X. The trial was conducted near a neighboring farm within a 500m blast radius, […]

Improving Iron Ore Fragmentation With Varistem

Iron Ore Fragmentation Case Study, drill patterns indicate blasting and mining.

Varistem® Blast Stemming Plugs Trials Iron ore fragmentation plays a crucial role in the efficiency of mining operations, directly impacting the performance of processing plants. The following study focuses on the improvement of particle size distribution (PSD) through the use of Varistem® blast stemming plugs in iron ore mines. By conducting comprehensive trials and comparing […]

Improving Fragmentation And Loading Rates Through Better Blasting With Varistem®


The intent of the trial was to demonstrate the energy retention capabilities of the Varistem® blast stemming plugs through conducting a split blast on a production waste bench at a manganese mine in South Africa. The main results considered were to determine the difference in blast energy retention when using Varistem® with drill chippings as […]

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